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λογότυπο ψηφιακό πρόγραμμα Ελλάδα 2.0

About Us

ADAMANT COMPOSITES Ltd is a high-tech industrial SME working on Advanced Materials & Structures with the vision to establish a cutting-edge engineering & manufacturing hub. Develops and provides services and product to small/medium companies, industries, and international organizations in the market of industrial composite materials and space industry.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to enable our customers to develop next-generation products using our innovative material solutions.


Our Work Focuses on:

- Technology Development
- Processing @ Pilot scale
- Prototyping
- Small series production
- Product Engineering

Proud members and collaborators of:

European Space Agency LogoEuropean Commission LogoNafems LogoEVIDITE Logosi cluster LogoHELDIC Logo Univeristy of Patras LogoSEKPI Logo

Contact Us

Let’s discuss your engineering challenge so we can deliver a suitable solution for your applications!

  Patras: Aghias Lavras and Stadiou street, Patras, 26504 Platani, Rio, Achaia-Greece

  Telephone: +30 2610 931730      Fax: +30 2610 931 727

  Email: info@adamant-composites.com


Copyright © 2021 - 2024 Adamant Composites Ltd.